The Lord Lieutenant salut5es the Parade. |
The Lord Mayor of Leeds tries on a Tin Hat! |
Armed Forces Day
With the National celebrations taking place in Salisbury, many town and cities around the country staged their own Armed Forces Day events.
In Leeds, amidst glorious sunshine, a Parade started the day.
Led by the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service band, and with Veterans marching behind, they paraded through the streets of Leeds.
On Briggate, standing on a Dias, were the Queen's Representative, The Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Mr Ed Anderson and Lord Mayor of Leeds, Cllr Eileen Taylor. They they took the salute. Next to them a Spitfire (an unusual sight on Briggate's busy {Pedestrian street!)
After a speech by the Lord Mayor, the Vetarans stood down, and a party atompshere commenced.
Many stalls lined Briggate and also some entertainment was laid on.
First up The Daisy Belles, a trio singing 1940's songs, who very popluar with the crowds.
The City of Leeds Pipe Band (rather oddly performing beneath a Damien Hirst statue currently on exhibition) entertained, and looked cool despite the baking tempertures as the day progressed.
Also the W Yorks Fire and Rescure Servicee band came back to play for the crowds.
The end of the day saw a Dakota fly briefly overhead
A great day and one to say THAN YOU to Veterans and current service members for the Armed Services.
Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe